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Primrose Chapter 1

Buy Arcane Knife, Allure Elderly Woman. Pick Shadow Stone.

You can choose to kill whatever battles you want between here & Scholar Shrine. You want 94JP before going to Scholar Shrine minimum.


T1: Shadow Soulstone
T2: Summon
T3+: Dagger (Break)
T4+: BPx4 Moonlight Waltz
T5+: BPx3 Moonlight Waltz

You can choose to pick Old Coin and/or do Kit quest. Each of these give an extra restore reputation in Cobbleston.

Go to Cobbleston.


Sell Gold Items, optionally buy Healing Grapes. You want to have a multiple of $2000 left.

Allure girl by Tavern (10%). Restore reputation costs $2000.
Head to Scholar Shrine.

If you see a Cait, kill it with Summon and skip Whistlewood.
You can use Summon to kill smaller battles, but you need 2-3 for Whistlewood & Scholar Shrine. I also like to save charges to go for YOLO Everhold area battle levelups.

Go to Whistlewood, kill a battle (or 2) with Summon. You want to have 94JP before going to Scholar Shrine.

Kill Scholar Shrine battle with Summon, get Scholar.

Tag Noblecourt and leave, pick Light M, head to Forest of Purgation.

Forest of Purgation

Pick Light L and $20000.
TP Cobbleston and head to Stonegard.

For Stonegard battle, best chance of clearing is Firestorm, Light M, Firestorm, Summon
If you don't have a Cait screen resetting these is a good idea.

Tag Stonegard, go to Moonstruck Coast.

Save at the save point, then run to Merchant Shrine.
Kill the battle here with Light L

If you ever miss a kill on a battle either because you skipped it or you died, you can either force it again or just take an extra Northreach battle later.

Tag Goldshore, head to West Grandport Coast.

The Wind L here is optional.

Pick Wind L, reset screen, pick $20000, S&Q at the savepoint.
Pick Thunder L, tag Grandport, and go to Loch of the Lost King.

Loch of the Lost King

Pick Wind L and $30000. TP Grandport.


Buy Knight Shield from Weapon/Armor shop.
On next screen pick Silver-filled Pouch.
On the next screen, get $25000 + Artwork, TP to Goldshore and head to Captain's Bane.

Captain's Bane

Pick Articulate Stone, TP Stonegard and head to West Everhold Pass.

West Everhold Pass

Pick Light L and Silver-filled Pouch. Save at the save point.

Whether or not you reload here is up to you. I like to just run to wherever I'm going and try to get a Flurry on the battle. If you get a Flurry, kill with an L Stone and skip a later battle. If you get the Grandport Coast Wind L, you don't need to skip a battle later. Make sure you have 1 Wind L for Wellspring battle later.

Tag Everhold, head to Everhold Tunnels. Use same logic for save as before.

Everhold Tunnels

Pick Pom L. Reset steps & pick $35000. Buffer glitch and pick Bright Stone. Pick Death Cleaver, and TP Everhold.

Head to Shrine of the Runeblade, same rules as before. Pick $50000.

TP Stonegard.


Go to right screen. You can buy 11 Grape Ms here or any other shop that has them later on.
Allure Patrician Youth (35%) standing to the left of the church. Go to top screen and talk to guy by fountain with quest to get Royal Crest.

If you haven't done Everhold stuff yet, you can Allure the Hunter to the right to have someone with Flurry.

TP Sunshade and get Apothecary Shrine.

TP Stonegard, head towards Marsalim Catacombs through North Stonegard Pass path.

In Eastern Wellspring, pick the Thunder L in the bottom left corner.
Kill the battle here with Wind L. Head down to Eastern Marsalim Sands.

Pick Thunder L on the way to Catacombs and enter Catacombs.

Marsalim Catacombs

Buffer glitch to get Master Spear. Pick Revitalizing Jam, reset steps, and run out of Catacombs.
Go to Marsalim


Go to Palace, pick Enchanted Circlet, $25,000, High House Armor in the three red chests in the room to the far right.

TP Noblecourt and run to Stillsnow.

In Western Stillsnow Sands, don't reset steps and run to Stillsnow. Kill the battle here with Thunder L.
If you took an extra battle earlier you can reset steps here to skip this one.


Start Primrose Ch.2. After Alluring the Tavernkeeper and talking to Oren, run out towards Northreach.


Go to Maw of the Ice Dragon. You can remove Evasive Maneuvers to get a Lizard fight before Maw.

In Maw pick $30000 and run out. Run to Northreach.
Kill the battle with Bandits x2 / L Stone. You want to have 2 Stones after this, one of them being a Thunder L or Light L.
Enter Northreach.

If you have < 430JP, after tagging Northreach take off Evasive Maneuvers, run back out and kill another battle. TP back to Northreach and repeat until you have at least 430JP. Put Evasive Maneuvers back on after.

Buffer glitch into Lorn Cathedral.

Lorn Cathedral

There's a Ice L in the bottom right corner of the first screen if you really need an L Stone.

Go to second screen. Pick Pom L and reset screen or S&Q. S&Q is prefered since the walk to Void Amulet isn't safe. Go down path until steps go up. Follow those + the hidden path to the end and pick Void Amulet.

TP Noblecourt.
Go to second screen and Allure Luckless Sellsword (24%)

TP Stillsnow and continue Chapter 2.

Rufus 30358HP

  1. Summon
  2. HHB x3
  3. L Stone

If you have Sidestep, you can Sidestep x2 if you're before Rufus T4 to avoid Pummel. Pummel can unconscious for up to 6 Turns I think.

T4 & on attack with Spear & wait for Full Enfeeblement. Once Full Enfeeblement break and kill with HHVx4
If Luckless Sellsword got a lot of hits & you break early just HHVx4 finish with Luckless Sellsword damage if needed.

TP Noblecourt.

Obsidian Manse

Pick $5000. S&Q on screen transition. Pick Silver-filled Pouch. I recommend saving.

Albus 52599HP

  1. HHM
  2. HHM x3
  3. Summon / Rev Jam if Albus first T4
  4. Summon / Rev Jam

After this, focus on staying healthy and keeping BP up. Knock off shields when you have a chance.
As soon as Luckless Sellsword does Full Enfeeblement, break with HHVx4 and do HHVx3. Then last turn do HHVx1 if Enfeeblement is up, else Defend > HHVx2.
You can do this fight with 2 Vets if you have some extra damage from Luckless Sellsword or knock off more shields before breaking, but you have money for an extra HHV anyway so might as well use it.


Dismiss Luckless Sellsword, and go Allure him again. You want to refresh his charges.
I'd say you want 4 minimum, if you want to consider YOLOing and skipping this.

TP Everhold.


Pick Rare Stone.

Enter Ampitheatre, pick Fire L and $30000. TP Everhold.

Go to shop, sell all gold items, Master Spear, Death Cleaver, and unneeded accessories if you needed.
You should have at least $218500.

Go back to Ampitheatre. Pick $20000, can choose to S&Q at screen transition.

Pick Light L. Pick Revitalizing Jam. Pick Pom L. I recommend saving.

You want the 2 L Stones from here, 1 other L Stone, 1 Rev Jam, and at least 2 Pom Ls going into this fight.
You have 3 Vets available for Simeon 1 and 5 for Simeon 2.

Simeon 1 64300HP Father Marionette 24483HP Dancer Marionette 19785HP

You're not guaranteed to survive T1/2, but should most of the time at LVL19/20.

  1. Defend / Sidestep if before Puppets T2.
  2. Sidestep x3
  3. Revitalizing Jam
  4. Sidestep x4
  5. Light L
  6. Sidestep x4
  7. Pom L
  8. Bandits x3
  9. Fire L (Delay this if there is a Def buff on Male Puppet. Ideally there isn't one on anyone but that's the only one that breaks the setup. Stall turns with Sidesteps. You also want to have at least 1 Sidestep up before breaking, preferably 2. If you're full HP you should be fine most of the time though.)
  10. HHV x4
  11. L Stone

From here on out, just Summon, break +Full Enfeeblement and use Vets. You can mitigate Simeons attacks with Sidesteps or just healing. You have 2 Vets available for this. If possible preserve charges for Simeon 2.
You only need Full Enfeeblement for 1 set of Vets as long as Luckless Sellsword gets some good hits in.

Simeon 2

Simeon does 1 Physical attack every turn in his starting pattern. Use that to count how many sidesteps you need.

  1. Sidestep
  2. Sidestep x3
  3. Pom L
  4. Sidestep x4
  5. Attack
  6. Sidestep x4

From here, get his shields low with attacks and get BP back up. Make sure you maintain sidesteps as well.
When he's down to a few shields, Summon. And when you get Full Enfeeblement, Break and HHVx4. Keep Sidesteps up while waiting for Enfeeblement, you can boost up to 3x if you have max BP

Phase 2 is the trickiest. You want to knock off some shields here with HHV without putting him below half HP. He switches patterns at below half, and will eat through Sidesteps like crazy. You want to HHV early, then get shields down to 1 with HHM, then once you get Full Enfeeblement and are full BP break with HHVx4 and follow with HHVx3. You also want to have at least 1 Sidestep or enough HP to tank an attack going into next phase.

After the second break you just Pom M and HHVx4. He should only get 1 attack in here max, due to him switching phases.